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Add new subscribers to multiple Campaign Monitor and/or MailChimp subscriber lists directly from Contact Forms, Channel Form, Comments, Solspace Freeform, or Solspace User. You can either add everyone who submits a form, or optionally add people based on the value of a field (such as a checkbox).


  1. Copy the subscriber/ folder to your system/user/addons/ directory
  2. Go to the Add-on Manager, find Third Party Add-ons at the bottom of the page and install Subscriber


A standard form might look something like this (give or take a few fields):

  collection="Contact Us"
  {exp:subscriber:form form_id="1"}
    Name:<br />
    <input type="text" name="name" />
    Email:<br />
    <input type="email" name="email" />
    Message:<br />
    <textarea name="message"></textarea>
    Subscribe:<br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="subscribe_to_newsletter" value="yes" /><br /><br />
  <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></p>

In addition to using just one subscriber form tag, you can use multiple tags or you can put several form_ids into one tag:

{exp:subscriber:form form_id="1|2|3"}

list_id Override

If you need to override the list_id for a given form, add list_id to your form tag:

{exp:subscriber_form form_id="1" list_id="..."}

Freeform Next

When using Freeform Next, you’ll need to use the {exp:freeform_next:form} tag instead of the {exp:freeform_next:render} tag.


In order to allow your members to unsubscribe, you must use the Switch Field method. When the Switch Input doesn’t contain the correct value defined in your form settings, the member is unsubscribed.


Main Settings

  • Provider: The newsletter provider you’d like to send the subscriber to, MailChimp or Campaign Monitor.
  • API Key: Your Campaign Monitor Account API Key or your MailChimp API key
  • Subscriber List ID: The List ID from Campaign Monitor or MailChimp
  • Add Method: Why the user is added. Can either be everyone or based upon a switch field.
  • Campaign Monitor Specific
    • Name Input Field Name: The field name for the person’s name.
  • MailChimp Specific
    • First Name Input Field Name: The field name for the person’s first name.
    • Last Name Input Field Name: The field name for the person’s last name.
  • Email Input Field Name: The field name for the person’s email.

Switch Settings

  • Switch Input Field Name: The field name that will determine if the person gets added to the list.
  • Switch Input Field Value: The value we’re looking for in the switch input field.

Custom Fields

  • Custom Field: The custom field’s input name.
  • Custom Field (MERGE) Tag: The custom field’s tag in Campaign Monitor or MailChimp.